Driven by a will to create value

Creating value, which defines and drives Premier Tech’s entrepreneurial spirit and ambition to build, is at the heart of our journey since our beginnings in 1923.
Fully aligned with our promise to make a difference, this determination is conveyed through two clearly defined axes. First, there is our commitment toward our clients to deliver value to them that makes a difference and to support them actively in their development. Then, there is our capacity to innovate, which accelerated in 1983 through our first structured Innovation, Research and Development (IR&D) efforts.
In 2023, not only are we celebrating being 100 years young, but also 40 years of ongoing IR&D efforts and investments dedicated to new products. This is one of the driving factors behind Premier Tech’s sustained growth, which is also at the very origin of our business diversification which began in 1990.
— In 2023, not only are we celebrating being 100 years young, but also 40 years of ongoing IR&D efforts and investments dedicated to new products. —
Without the vision of leveraging biotechnology as a way to make our horticultural offering stand out, without the commitment toward enhancing health and safety in our plants and increasing efficiency, and without the strong determination to find new ways to use peat moss, Premier Tech would not be the leader it is today in its various business sectors.
This entrepreneurial spirit and our ambition to build — which rely on our commitment to leverage our competencies, knowledge base and assets — are the governing factors that led to our diversification over the years.
— This entrepreneurial spirit and our ambition to build are the governing factors that led to our diversification over the years. —
These elements, along with a systematic and rigorous strategic planning approach, worked together and fuelled our organic and external growth, making Premier Tech the multinational company it is today. That is how we now offer innovative technological solutions across five verticals.
Premier Tech Producteurs et Consommateurs — 1923
Offers unique solutions for horticulture, agriculture as well as lawn and garden

Launch of the first soil-free ready-to-use growing medium in the European and North American industries under the PRO-MIX® brand
Launch of the first soil-free ready-to-use growing medium in the European and North American industries under the PRO-MIX® brand

IR&D debut at Premier Tech with research on microorganisms and bacteria, and their use as biostimulants and biocontrols for the horticulture and agriculture industries
IR&D debut at Premier Tech with research on microorganisms and bacteria, and their use as biostimulants and biocontrols for the horticulture and agriculture industries

Acquisition of Sure-Gro, positioning the business group as a leader in the lawn and garden market thanks to the addition of Wilson®, Alaskan® and C-I-L® to the PRO-MIX® brand
Acquisition of Sure-Gro, positioning the business group as a leader in the lawn and garden market thanks to the addition of Wilson®, Alaskan® and C-I-L® to the PRO-MIX® brand

Launch of a joined packaging and palletizing system — FFS-200 and AP-435 — for undensified products
Launch of a joined packaging and palletizing system — FFS-200 and AP-435 — for undensified products

Acquisition de Chronos Richardson, une entreprise allemande de renommée mondiale, qui pave la voie à l’accélération de l’internationalisation de Premier Tech et fait du groupe d’affaires Systèmes Automatisés le leader de son industrie
Acquisition de Chronos Richardson, une entreprise allemande de renommée mondiale, qui pave la voie à l’accélération de l’internationalisation de Premier Tech et fait du groupe d’affaires Systèmes Automatisés le leader de son industrie

2009 and 2012
Arrival of Premier Tech Systems and Automation in the United States with the integration of STONEPAK in Salt Lake City, Utah, and vonGAL in Montgomery, Alabama, two sites where we announced major investments in the first quarter of fiscal year 2024
2009 and 2012
Arrival of Premier Tech Systems and Automation in the United States with the integration of STONEPAK in Salt Lake City, Utah, and vonGAL in Montgomery, Alabama, two sites where we announced major investments in the first quarter of fiscal year 2024

Launch of the Ecoflo® biofilter, now the world’s best-selling system for on-site wastewater treatment with the largest installed base
Launch of the Ecoflo® biofilter, now the world’s best-selling system for on-site wastewater treatment with the largest installed base

Internationalization of Premier Tech Water and Environment with the acquisition of APC & CALONA PURFLO in France
Internationalization of Premier Tech Water and Environment with the acquisition of APC & CALONA PURFLO in France

2016 and 2017
Launch in the United States and in Québec of the Ecoflo® biofilter Pack version, a ready-to-use system with a filter made with coconut husk fragments
2016 and 2017
Launch in the United States and in Québec of the Ecoflo® biofilter Pack version, a ready-to-use system with a filter made with coconut husk fragments
Premier Tech Digital — 2017
As a leading actor in the digital industry, helps companies in various industries tackle their digital transformation — from manufacturers aiming to improve their efficiency, through companies looking to develop digital products, to original equipment manufacturers looking to digitally improve their operations

Acquisition of Manevco Management Inc., a team located in Québec which specializes in the design and rollout of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-type connected solutions through the implementation of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Acquisition of Manevco Management Inc., a team located in Québec which specializes in the design and rollout of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-type connected solutions through the implementation of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

Launch of the first digital product developed internally: the real-time production line configurator Liveline®, a 3D visualization solution
Launch of the first digital product developed internally: the real-time production line configurator Liveline®, a 3D visualization solution

Integration of Mirego, a Québec company creating digital products and services
Integration of Mirego, a Québec company creating digital products and services

Launch of Premier Tech Life Sciences, integration of Virentia to this new business group and construction of a plant in Bécancour, Québec, to produce plant-based proteins extracted from alfalfa
Launch of Premier Tech Life Sciences, integration of Virentia to this new business group and construction of a plant in Bécancour, Québec, to produce plant-based proteins extracted from alfalfa

Beginning of a strategic partnership with Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB) and industrial scaling of our commercial offerings
Beginning of a strategic partnership with Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB) and industrial scaling of our commercial offerings
*This story is from the Premier Tech Report 2023.