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What does impactful offer mean to us

Premier Tech operates in industries in which there is a tangible potential to generate a positive impact and contribute to solving social and environmental challenges related to feeding, protecting and improving our world.

As a stepping stone to creating more of those offers and communicating in an open and factual manner about those already in our portfolio, we have determined what an impactful offer truly means to us and identified specific qualification criteria. These criteria allow us to measure the positive impact of our products, services or business models more adequately as well as to better define and assess those we aim to develop.

We will present our three criteria and how they apply to one of our impactful offers — the natural active ingredients from the AGTIV® product line.

Criterion 1

The offer addresses a social or environmental challenge in a precise and tangible manner

We assess the purpose of a product to determine if it addresses a recognized and documented environmental or social challenge. To do so, we refer to the established international framework fordocumenting these challenges: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. As for our key performance indicators, we base them on the IRIS+ system, a positive impact measuring tool designed for businesses.

AGTIV® product line

The natural active ingredients of our AGTIV® product line help contribute to some of the specific targets of Sustainable Development Goal 2 which aims for sustainable agricultural practices. Specifically, these practices aim to ensure the viability of food production systems and the implementation of resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity, strengthen adaptive capacity to climate change, and gradually improve land and soil quality.

Some of our active ingredients enable the optimization of fertilizer use, reducing the GHG emissionsassociated with their production and the impact of their use. Improving yields also promotes optimization of all resources used for agricultural production.

The natural active ingredients – mycorrhizae, rhizobium, Bacillus and Serendipita – of our AGTIV® product line address certain environmental challenges in a specific and tangible way by increasing crop productivity, enhancing their resistance to drought and improving soil health as well as stability.

Criterion 2

The offer is integrated and designed for a long-term impact

We assess whether a product or service is embedded and established as part of the commercial offer of our business groups. We aim to qualify offers and models that have a significant impact in terms of scale and lasting positive impact.

AGTIV® product line

Premier Tech has been developing innovative solutions leveraging the potential of microorganisms for over 40 years. Research and development started as early as 1983 drawing from the idea of developing a new generation of growing media.

This commitment to biotechnological innovation with natural active ingredients is still relevant today as we are determined to bring back life into soils. Premier Tech has invested more than $75 million to diversify its natural active ingredients and build autonomy in its production, making it the only company able to produce mycorhizes on such scale.

Criterion 3

The offer is verifiable and quantifiable

We ensure that the positive impact of our offer is quantifiable and verifiable. We aim to demonstrate, with appropriate context and supporting evidence, how our products and services have a positive impact on the environment or address a social challenge. Committed to transparency, we seek to provide reliable and detailed evidence to all our stakeholders.

AGTIV® product line

Many studies have shown the positive impact of our active ingredients. We have conducted tests experimentations with partners, measuring and demonstrating productivity gains.

We have also worked directly with producers, in their fields, to understand their situation and enable them to measure their yields. In the coming year, we aim to carry on with new studies to assess other benefits such as additional carbon sequestration or reduction in fertilizer use.

We work on these initiatives with agricultural stakeholders — governments, scientists, agronomists, agri-retailers and certification bodies — to confirm the accuracy of our data.

*This story is from the Premier Tech Report 2024.

Read the complete 2024 sustainability report

As we embark on our second century of history, we reflect on a year fuelled by our potential to create a lasting, positive impact. Learn more about actionable initiatives we implemented over the past year, driven by sustainability and beyond.