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Integrating life cycle thinking to prioritize our actions

Premier Tech has identified life cycle thinking and ecodesign as key to making sustainability intentional and integrated into our products and services portfolio. Thus, we have implemented initiatives to structure and deepen our understanding of the life cycle mindset, developed a maturity index to track and measure our progress, and collaborated with external consultants to launch multiple new life cycle analyses (LCAs).

These initiatives will allow us to draw conclusions on many of our commercial offers and open avenues for strategic actions.

It has been decided to conduct simplified LCAs on products that account for a significant share of our portfolio. The simplified LCAs allow us to reach conclusions more efficiently, which can be applied to a large part of our sales and commercial offers.

They provide a thorough understanding of our products’ footprint and enable us to identify elements that otherwise would not have undergone such examination and proactive analysis. They also help our teams identify key improvement targets and partnership opportunities for the procurement of raw material.

 They provide a thorough understanding of our products’ footprint and enable us to identify elements that otherwise would not have undergone such examination and proactive analysis. 

Ecodesign through our business groups

Three members of the horizontal team share insights into the integration of ecodesign within their respective group over the past year.

A well-established ecodesign process

Premier Tech Water and Environment has been integrating ecodesign into its business model for many years. Innovative concepts have been core to the research and development work that led to the conception of the Ecoflo® biofilter in the late ’80s. The members of the team responsible for this innovation were precursors, integrating life cycle thinking concepts such as life span, compactness, repairability and energy-less gravitational system. Recent LCAs confirmed the relevance of these elements, bringing the reflection on the Ecoflo® biofilter even further.

Supported by the International Reference Center for Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Transition (CIRAIG), the group conducted about fifteen LCAs on three products and many components in three distinct regions — namely Pennsylvania and Iowa, in the United States, and Québec, Canada. These LCAs will allow us to compare the different versions of these products and identify the design elements that could reduce their footprint..

We aim to fully integrate ecodesign into our daily workflow while enhancing the processes behind product development through ecodesign concepts.
— Colin Côté, senior industrial designer for the group

Express life cycle analyses

Premier Tech Growers and Consumers has undertaken its first ecodesign initiatives this year. The team has familiarized itself with life cycle analyses and built a unit to oversee the integration of these practices in their Innovation, Research and Development process.

The group has adopted two strategies to get an overview of its commercial offers. The first strategy was applied to the professional growing media offer and has been executed with the support of external experts. The goal was to conduct a simplified LCA on various components of the media, acting as a decision-making aid in developing the optimal composition.

The second strategy resulted in the development and implementation of an internal express LCA tool, which provides a brief analysis outlining the most relevant environmental and social aspects to consider. This tool enables the group to better assess the impact of the wide range of its consumer products and integrate these takeaways into the product development roadmaps.

The life cycle analyses allowed us to identify the specific elements we aim to improve. As we are in an exploratory stage, there are still strategic decisions ahead, but it is part of our continuous improvement.
— Sophie Deschênes, application director for the group

Focusing efforts where it counts

For Premier Tech Systems and Automation, which manages highly complex and specialized technological platforms and equipment, the challenges with its first steps in ecodesign lie in the breadth of its offers and the specificity of its components. The first life cycle analysis, just like the group’s GHG footprint, showed that the use on the client’s premises has the highest footprint of the life cycle.

Contrary to what we expected, the use of steel in the equipment manufacturing has a very limited impact on the full life cycle of the product. Prior to conducting the LCA, our areas for improvement mostly aimed to reduce the use of steel.
— Alexis Darisse, innovation manager for the group

The results of this first LCA demonstrated the importance of focusing efforts where they yield the most value relative to the required effort. As an example, the energy consumed by the equipment over its 15 to 20 years of useful life has a greater impact than all the operations related to its manufacturing.

*This story is from the Premier Tech Report 2024.

Read the complete 2024 sustainability report

As we embark on our second century of history, we reflect on a year fuelled by our potential to create a lasting, positive impact. Learn more about actionable initiatives we implemented over the past year, driven by sustainability and beyond.